Welcome To Our Blog!

Hey this is Lacy and Kiki from Aveson Charter School and we are going to make this blog to tell you about Medieval Africa and maybe in time some other medieval places too! At least once a week there will be new facts on the Medieval times, like our first fact- Africa is the place where people first originated, so African history goes back further than in any other place on earth. We will be writing about Medieval African food, clothing, and people. OMG, I just can't wait!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Facts About Med. Africa

Here are some cool facts about Medieval Africa!

population- 200 million

Did you know that the population dropped rapidly?

I will add some more soon!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hello, I am just trying to search for an old news in Africa that was supposed to have been covered by BBC news. The assassination of John Muluizu and family. He was a former cocoa merchant and was a significant political figure in the government of an African country which in the last 5-10 or so, years, had a civil war and was divided into 2.

Anonymous said...

i am a 7 grader at crossings christain school in oklahoma and i use this website for my social studys project and it was really helpful so thankyou!!! : )

WHY? said...


Anonymous said...

hi im a sophomore in high school and i have to try to make a new road in Africa do you guys have any information i could use?? please

Anonymous said...

hi im a sophomore in high school and i have to try to make a new road in Africa do you guys have any information i could use?? please

Unknown said...

Some of your information is terribly wrong.

Anonymous said...

'scarce' is spelled 'scarce' as in scarce fuel.
if your blog is about medieval africa, you should stick to topic. actually, 'medieval' refers to the 'middle ages' of european history- AD 500-1500.
since your blog covers all time in africa, it be titled such.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I am writing to you from Los Angeles ! I am a high school principal here in the United States and I just love your site. I would like my students to make contact with you guys and I will tell them about you on Monday. I am so excited with your information and your pride in your roots. I will write again soon and please let me know you received this note. love to you. Vanessa

Josef said...

Hello, my name is josef, this site was horrible! It was too boring, make it more phun. Add picturz or sumptin. Even iff u did add picturs, it iz stil borin. Som1 shud kik u offf tis blog. it sux

Anonymous said...

I am a teacher in Germany and I think this is a really super site with lots of interesting information which I am going to share with my students. Well done for working so hard to share your knowledge wih others. I hope you keep going!

Anonymous said...

hey the statement about how everybody originated from africa is only a theory not a fact



1471-82 First Europeans arrive. Portuguese build Elmina Castle.

1482 - Portuguese set up trading settlement.

1500-1807 Era of slave raids and wars and of intense state formation in Gold Coast.

1697-1745 Rise and consolidation of Asante Empire.

1874 - British proclaim coastal area a crown colony.



8000 B.C.

Ancestors of the West Africans appear in the Niger River area.

2750 B.C.

During the Old and Middle Stone Ages, West Africans gather food, hunt, fish, and dig for roots in what is called the Sahel.

2000 B.C.

The Joliba and the Quorra rivers join to form the Niger River in West Africa.

500 B.C.

Iron in general use in West Africa.

146 B.C. to 31 B.C.

Roman conquest of North Africa; Berbers’ southern migration begins.

200 A.D.

About 1 million people live in the Sahel.